Sunday, November 14, 2021

How to start a mom blog and monetize it!


    Do you love writing or are interested in blogging about being a mom? There are plenty of adventures in motherhood; that is for sure. I have learned so much since I had a baby and I love sharing it with others. Sometimes our stories help and inspire others.

   I was always curious on options as to how to make money from home. Blogging has been so much fun for me and I have been able to even monetize my writing. This blog post is to show you exactly how to do that. Some mom blogs earn thousands per month; some earn hardly nothing. It is a lot about consistency as this is not an overnight get-rich-quick scheme. 

   There is a lot more than writing that comes into earning income with blog. Bloggers often earn their income from affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, ads and selling products on their blogs. It is important to stay consistent throughout your blogging journey and find a niche you can deliver topics people want to read or learn about. For me; it was parenting. 

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    Sure; there are many mom blogs out there so you want to be unique and stand out. I also talk about business in my blog as it is a topic that I could go on and on about. Maybe your niche is not mom blogging but food or crafts instead? Regardless; think long and hard about your niche you want to cover and a blog name. 

   It is easier for people to find your blog when searching if your blog name and social media handles are the same. Plus; it looks more professional I feel. I think wordpress makes blogging easier but there are other options if you want to look into it.You will want to get a blog domain name and hosting. Both can be pretty affordable compared to other home businesses; and they make your blog look less like a newbie site. You also want to research how to blog legally. For example when you do post sponsored ads; you have to disclose if you have affiliate links or it is a paid post. I also make it visible on my blog that it contains affiliate links.

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   For me; Pinterest is where I tend to get most of my blog traffic so I use it as my main social media marketing platform for my blog. I do have Instagram and Facebook but I focus on the platform that works best for me. I do not stress myself out trying to do many other platforms although later you may want to look into hiring a dedicated social media manager or virtual assistant to help grow your social media following if you are struggling.


   Pinterest is a whole ball game and story in itself. There are actual dedicated pinterest managers that help business owners grow their business from the search engine. To get blog views; I create content linked to my blog post using Canva and pin it to pinterest. When people search topics; they see my pins and visit my blog. That is one way I get actual views to my blog but I would not use that as my online marketing method. 

   A lot of content creators and bloggers enjoy using Tailwind to schedule their pins. This tool allows you to create pins and schedule them at certain days or times. This beats pinning items each day. More serious bloggers research the best times to post on certain social media apps. I prefer to pin organically; but many bloggers swear by this tool.

   Once you launch your blog; post it everywhere you can. Your own social media pages, share it with friends, go to networking events and create content you are proud of. I think it is better to have quality blog posts with plenty of words and photos so you start earning better rankings eventually on search engine searches. This takes time. Research trending hashtags, reach out to brands you are interested in and be creative.

   Do not get overwhelmed as we all have to start somewhere and there are still plenty of tools to get started on your own. I blog now full-time and I enjoy it; how I knew I would is the fact I did it free for years as I gradually grew my social media following organically. People can tell when someone is buying fake followers and it causes many influencers to get reported as spam and shut down. 

  Once influencers start noticing your pages and reaching out; some will offer free products or paid partnerships. Some bloggers charge around $100USD per 10,000 followers they have on instagram for example. I made a media kit using canva with my stats to share to people interested in working with me. At first I did some posts in exchange for free products that went with my brand and I was curious about; such as baby products. I would not suggest saying yes to all brands; especially if they do not really fit your niche. It may confuse your audience.    

   When writing your blog posts; I suggest using nice images which still can be done from a camera phone. You can always upgrade your camera once you are making more income. I like to proofread images before I publish my blog post as well. A great tool for proofreading can be found HERE.  Having a newsletter is very important.

    There is no point in getting views on your blog once when readers could keep coming back with the help of e-mail marketing. Landing pages also help capture e-mail addresses for those interested but you can offer a product, e-book or something of value in exchange for them joining your newsletter. Many bloggers earn money anytime they publish a newsletter. Another reason you need a newsletter is because I have heard of bloggers losing a social media site, getting hacked or something odd. Thousands of followers lost! So with a newsletter; they can still get in touch with their followers. 

    Many bloggers like adding a fancier or more professional looking theme to their blog. Once you get going blogging; this may be something to look into. If your blog is more pleasing and easy to look at; obviously you could get more traffic and interest. I would make the font easy to read and use a color scheme to start branding your blogging business. 

   Blogging can be a business so once you start generating income; talk to a local tax professional in your area. I started blogging for fun; mainly from my smart phone. I would create blog posts and insert affiliate links that matched the topic I wrote about.  You can do things such as give-a-ways to attract more people to your blog or newsletter. You can join groups of like-minded people and talk to them about your blog. 

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   Be proud of your blog and keep writing; people search for topics you probably know a lot about. For example; I homeschool so I could write a blog post about homeschooling ideas and tips. When I create a pin for it; more people see the post. When people visit my blog; they may click on an ad that I make income from if they purchase. It is a lot of fun for me and I get to have a positive outlet of creativity. Happy blogging!

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